Islands for Small Kitchens
by Ray Horsley • May 06, 2019
Having a small kitchen can be quite a design challenge, but there are many good space saving ideas that can help to make a small kitchen be both efficient and beautiful.
When people are planning a new kitchen, or updating an existing one, one most sought after feature is adding a kitchen cabinets island. Having good kitchen storage can help to simplify your life.

One good idea is to install a kitchen island. Adding a kitchen island can provide extra work space and add a decorative element to the kitchen, as well as provide space for appliances. A kitchen island can serve as the work center of any kitchen. Even in a small kitchen a kitchen island can included if it is scaled to fit and be practical.
Usually if your kitchen is at least 12 to 15 feet wide is should be possible to provide space for a freestanding storage unit in the center of the kitchen. An island with a flat surface area can be a practical storage solution and can provide a bit or elegance to any kitchen cabinets.
If you want to provide more a more custom look and style to your kitchen island you can add architectural details such as bump-outs, corner posts, inset areas, and open shelving.
For a permanent kitchen island to work in a small kitchen you will have to determine the shape and the height of the island, and see how much space that it will require around it for cooking, storage, and traffic flow. This type of kitchen island works well in a kitchen that has a more open layout. You should have a least 3 to 4 feet of aisle space between each side of the island. However if you just do not have this much space, then you should consider using a small rolling cart instead.
Some of the more practical smaller kitchen islands come with locking casters that enable you to move the carts around the kitchen where needed then lock down to keep them stable. This type of kitchen island can be a good solution in a small or medium sized kitchen.

A kitchen island need not be very elaborate, with plumbing and electricity. It can be as simple as placing a small table with open legs in the middle of your kitchen. Kitchen carts can work best in smaller kitchens where less space is a factor.
You may not have room for an installed fixed island but you probably have room for more compact kitchen cart that can provide you with storage solutions for your kitchen. This simple island can have just a single surface like a tabletop. A small kitchen cart can provide you with beauty and storage. Contemporary island and cart style such as, country, and other traditional styles are very popular. The materials can range from copper to stainless steel to oak and others. Many islands and carts are created using combinations of metal and wood.
You may also want to consider a small butcher block table island, or a small granite top kitchen cart with convenient storage space and a kitchen rack to your kitchen cabinets.
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